First Annual Church Assembly

The delegates of the Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Church gathered together under the theme, “Christ Is Our Cornerstone” on September 17th, 2022. Twenty-One delegates, six guests, and two observers were in attendance to ratify the constitution, elect the church’s national leadership, and consider resolutions on fellowship with the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod and to seek membership in the International Lutheran Council.

The constitution was passed by the Assembly which was followed by the election of the Bishop of the Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Church who also serves as the Chairman of the Diocesan Council. The Rev. A. Arulchelvan was elected as the first bishop of the CELC. Following his election, the rest of the council was elected as follows:

Vice-Chairman: Rev. S. Devanesan

Secretary: Mr. M. Deva Robinson

Treasurer: Mr. A. Vicneshwararaj

Ordinary Member-Lay: Mr. V. P. Perumal

Ordinary Member-Lay: Mr. S. Munusamy

Ordinary Member-Ordained: Rev. G. Nadaraja

Ordinary Member-Ordained: Rev. P. Gnanakumar

The assembly proceeded to direct the bishop to apply for membership with the International Lutheran Council. Finally, the assembly voted to recognize altar and pulpit fellowship with the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.

The Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Church will continue to recognize that Christ is the Cornerstone of the Church. The Holy Spirit through her members, as they remain faithful to the Foundation and Cornerstone. The CELC is not about power, honor, money or any of those worldly things. It is about the Holy Spirit, working through the church to proclaim Jesus Christ and His Word.

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